Deployment Checklist

Site Survey

  1. Take 360 degree panorama
  2. Investigate antenna mount points
  3. Investigate indoor rackspace.
  4. Map, measure route between rack and antenna mounts
  5. Investigate building entry point
  6. Investiage power, grounding


  1. Make bill of materials
  2. Submit plan to board for spending approval.
  3. Purchase


  1. Allocate subnets and IP addresses on
  2. Upgrade all routers’ firmware.
  3. Configure and label all routers.
  4. Configure PDU.
  5. Install OS on server and configure OOB
  6. Pack lunch.


  1. Verify mount points / plan with site sponsor
  2. Install
  3. Stay hydrated
  4. Test
  5. Cleanup
  6. Take pictures for Ryan


  1. Verify performance
  2. Check logs for anomalies